
San Bruno people


Supporting Member
Hopefully you're alright, however after talking with my aunt who's near the fire she's without power, and as such I guess you might be without power (and internet enough to read this).

But if anyone is in need of any sort of assistance feel free to chirp up.
I'm probably about 1.5 miles away... pretty sad... lost lives and so many people's houses. Everything where I'm at had power, but a friend who lives maybe half a mile away from the fire was without electricity for a while.
Well glad you're ok, I'm surprised more didn't go, I mean I grew up in San Bruno and I do know that area that went up, lots of trees (in particular the oily eucalyptus which aided in the Oakland Hills fire disaster a couple decades ago), houses are fairly close together (most of those houses were planned communities) not to mention all the hills/canyons in the area. Just lucky there are so many cities in such a small area so that all those cities could help respond with fire fighting assistance in a relatively short time (I think it was 6-alarm when I went to bed).

Mitch: Glad your cousin is ok, been watching the news and there's a ton of outpouring of help so they should be ok on the short term. I think long term they'll be fine too as PG&E most likely is going to be paying for a brand new house, although any sort of memories she in the house probably will be harder to replace.
This is so sad. 4 lives lost. :( My wife's cousin got called in to work at Kaiser SSF last night. Last month I passed by this neighborhood on Sneath. As we drove by I said to my wife they have some nice houses over there and it looks like a nice place to live. Unfortunately the neighborhood is no longer there. :(
Mike thanks for the thought. Didn't know PGE was going to be covering it (haven't been able to keep up on the news of it today). Big thing for her is the emotional part, she got married less than a year ago and moved in to there.

It really did look like a war zone there. I think a few Sunnyvale FD trucks headed up there.
Well PG&E said they'd take care of everything if it was in fact their problem (i.e. not someone planting fireworks near a gas line or something), however the fact people apparently smelled gas for weeks before, as well all these other issues about similar problems coming from elsewhere in the past, it looks to be pretty obvious this is their fault.

Assuming they have insurance though absolutely go through them, and they'll be the ones going after PG&E making the job a bit more easier on the homeowner. I can only imagine the emotional aspect of it, hell they may not even want to live in the same area any more and might want to simply buy a new home with any settlement. It was a nice area, who knows how long it will take for the whole area to be nice again, not to mention if she even wants to live in that area any more.

I'm sure she'll be fine though, hopefully she didn't have too many memories that burned up there.
A friend was saying that he knew someone who lived near there, she drove out of that area to her house like 20 minutes before the fire started. I guess it was so loud they thought it was a jet passing over head.
Eeesh. "We've lost all our photos, videos, and backups."
For those of you wanting an idea how big the flames were.
