Cali Kid Corals

stats question

My g/f was looking for a "(x,y) matched pair data set, before vs. after" last night and was having a heck of a time finding one that she didn't have to pay for, she was quite frustrated so I told her I'd check in with you guys and see what's up.

Any suggestions?
tuberider said:
My g/f was looking for a "(x,y) matched pair data set, before vs. after" last night and was having a heck of a time finding one that she didn't have to pay for, she was quite frustrated so I told her I'd check in with you guys and see what's up.

Any suggestions?
I'm not entirely sure what you are asking for. Can you be a little more specific?
The crazy thing is how simple it is.

Say the value X represents blood pressure or something before a treatment, then value Y is the blood pressure after treatment. The group needs to be a small group say 10-15 people, that way it is easy to crunch the numbers.
I'm awaiting the .doc with the specific language, the prof said not to contact her with questions while the entire class is wondering WTF, I can't find it.
Oh what a lovely teacher that is... "Don't bother me kid... I'm trying to find internet porn!"

That said, does the data need to be real? Or can it simply be made up data and the purpose of the exercise is to analyze a data set?
if you just need before and after datasets when X factor was added, I can dig you up something :-D can even generate one quickly by polling BAR what the nitrate levels were in their tank before and after adding a BP reactor!

Give me a few to see what I can dig up.
pretty much all data I have is plotted and not necessarily what you want. Want some data made up for you? If it is a lesson in statistics, the source won't matter.
That's the issue, this crazy prof is asking for published data. We can make up stuff all day long, I could invite some friends over and we can throw rocks, then drink a gallon of beer each and throw rocks and compare data, but nooooooo, it has to be published (which as you know, the raw data doesn't get published).
Stats use to make my brain go BOOM! Here's a site I found with a lot of data sets maybe you can find something here of use, good luck. Its the least I can do for the man who called my number for the door prize and let me run to the car to get it and my beautiful 36" new T5 Lighting later in the raffle, I had a good week!
well, what if I supply you with data, but you tell the teacher that it is from me (I can give you solid credentials to cite lol), a scientist, who is currently working with said raw data... Likewise, I might have some raw data on something I have published, but I'll need to dig for appropriate data.
actually, I DO have some raw's trivial, but it is a signal change before and after injecting something into something. Its a series of before/after data (need to manually parse the transition...which is easy) and it is in a journal :-D The raw data is on my comp here ;)
It has to be published and a printed copy provided to the prof, I'm sure your data is better than most published stuff, but this woman is out of her mind.