Cali Kid Corals

your chance to see the best!!

Oh no way... OB again... finally. I caught a contest there a long time ago!!!
This is a WCT event, I believe it is the first one in the area ever. We've has 3-5 star WQS events here, but not the big show.

It will be fun around here because these guys will travel so surf different breaks while here and I might get a chance to surf with a couple of heavies, and I know a few very special spots where they may show up.
OB again in the sense a contest in using it :) I went to a PSAA there in support of a friend.
It's gonna be a zoo in the city. I'm gonna try to make it. Most likely park somewhere and hop on the bike and watch the contest. Waves are smaller on the north end where they plan on having it. Bigger as they head south. Lets see how they handle the paddle and conveyor belt of OB. :D