
Hey Google, Feed my fish

So I was thinking about this for a while and finally hooked up my Google Home to my Apex controller. To the point where I can now say the above and activate the Fish Feeding mode.

Also hooked up a few other commands like "Stop the wavemakers" etc.

For anyone interested, it was actually pretty easy to do.

First off you'll need an IFTTT account.

Then you will also need to expose your Apex controller to the Internet somehow, port forwarding or similar in your router. Now this is now super safe, but assuming you have a reasonable password set up should be ok.

Now in IFTTT you can create commands using the Google Assistant Trigger and have them make requests to your controller via the Webhooks.

Syntactically, your requests look like this:

LeftPH + RightPH
are the device names in your controller
0 = Auto
1 = Off
2 = On

If anyone has any other cool things I could do via this, I'd love to hear them!
I believe the new Apex system is Alexa compatible or will be shortly without an IFTTT account. Vincent probably has all the information, but at the last frag swap Terrance had a set-up running with Alexa I believe.