High Tide Aquatics

ORP and CO2 Scrubber


Supporting Member
Any i ideas why ORP would drop like a brick after adding a scrubber to an air stone instead of a skimmer?

The air stone does flow into the refugium. If that matters.

Yea, apologies should have been clearer about that.
I’d guess you just disturbed something in the sump adding the air stone and the ORP will slowly climb back to normal within a day. That probe can take a dive at the slightest disturbance and takes forever to get back to normal.
Most of my corals are in decline…….. I have zero idea what this triggered.
My advice? 30% water change and take all the extra equipment off. Get back to basics and add one thing at a time. Start with a pump, heater and skimmer, nothing else. Let that go for 3 days, and then do another water change. Get some stability back into the system.
My advice? 30% water change and take all the extra equipment off. Get back to basics and add one thing at a time. Start with a pump, heater and skimmer, nothing else. Let that go for 3 days, and then do another water change. Get some stability back into the system.
There aren’t any measurable instabilities outside of this ORP drop though which everyone seems to feel is an irrelevant factor. Alk and cal haven’t deviated more than .2 dkh and 20 ppm respectively.

PO4 is above average at .09. Typically .02. Already did one 30%. The auto water change is set up to do 31 gallons over the next 24 hours on a 60 gallon tank.

All my coral have been thriving up until the last 248ish hours.
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