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Protecting snails from..wrasse

L/B Block

Supporting Member
Hi all-
Just realized that my wrasse has discovered his taste for escargot and has eaten nearly all of them. Any suggestions to tasty alternatives?
I was thinking more along the lines of what can I feed my wrasse so he stops eating the snails. But an alternative solution such as a tuxedo urchin works too
Or keep adding snails. Or put a bunch of trochuses in your sump so they'll breed and you'll have a steady supply of babies.

Our melanurus was the same way. Fine for the most part...then remembers snails are tasty and channels Big Shark Energy.
Feed more ?
He was already being fed 5x a day. Granted it was freeze dried so he may have gotten bored with it. But it was supplemented with pac pods and mysis shrimp.

Some wrasse are avid hunters. Also I noticed this one doesn’t necessarily sleep when lights out I have had wrasse in the past -where lights out-they go to asleep in the sand bed. This is when the snails come out