got ethical husbandry?

2012 BAR Breeding and Propagation Workshop featuring Rich Ross and Tal Sweet

WE want to thank you guys for the continued support, without your support we cant keep the doors open....

BTW the event went smooth IMO and was a good turnout. Very good speakers and the setup/cleanup was smooth
This was definitely a fun and organized event and there is always room for improvement. We only hope every event gets better and better! :)
I was happy to see Gresham, Jim, Matt, and all the guys wearing MBI gear. They were everywhere. I'm glad that this event could lure them out of their fishrooms!. Please guys share what you're doing on the club forums some time to stoke those of us who aren't visiting the myriad boards out there...

I bought those 40G tanks 6 months or so ago to set up a broodstock system. I haven't gotten around to it, but after this event I'm more motivated than at any point since purchase.

I focused almost exclusively on the frag demo portion of the event. For those that didn't see the behind-the-scenes, it went something like this. Drain water out of holding system into 5 gallon containers (thanks Kensington Reefer), pull coral and place into a couple large coolers (with some in buckets and large deli containers for separation), and pile into the truck. I want to note that the water used in the event was the only water the corals have known for some time, so stress was limited. Once we got to Chabot, we set up the table, put on the tank, poured in the water, added heater and tunze, and coral. The process was over in 30 minutes. The corals opened up quick, and I thought they looked pretty good before Rich put on the Doctor coat for the demo.

Teardown went quick, drove home, popped them back into the holding system, and they're all doing well at this time. Cleaning up the gear wasn't something I got to until Sunday however!

Special thanks to all those that helped throughout the process. Without your support it wouldn't have been possible. Thank you.
We loved the event. Thanks guys for putting it on. Great to see some familure faces and new. I am going to set up a new Bio Cube for Cardinals now!
It was bugging me because I knew I forgot to thank at least one person...

Thanks to sfsuphysics for donating a CB RBTA into the raffle! I suppose we'll have to forgive you for not showing up until the workshop was half over. :p
Sorry for the delay, I was having problems posting. I want to thank BAR for having me at the Workshop. It was great to see so many people interested in captive breeding and propagation. I had a really nice time talking with everyone and visiting your LFS's.

If anyone has more questions for me please feel free to hit me up the MBI site: I'm there most of the time. :)