Reef nutrition

6 line ich and more

Hi all,

I just picked up a 6 line and some bagnai cardinals from aquatic collection and while acclimating them I realized the 6 line doesn’t look too good. I realize it’s my own fault for not getting a good look at him before I left. I was in a rush.

I’m pretty sure AC doesn’t have a return policy correct?

The cardinals look good but I acclimated in the same container so I’m going to quarantine them as well.

The 6 line definitely has ich, one fin looks like it’s rotting and it all has some sores on it’s side. Hard to see anything other than ich in the pics and video below. But he looks be be happy and has plenty of personality like all my other 6 lines I’ve had over the years.

I’m just lucky I have a spare 14g biocube and some seeded ceramic media.

So I’m setting up quarantine. Any advice? I’ve been in the hobby for close to 8 years and have never had to treat for a resealed before.


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I literally just got home with him a couple hours ago from AC. He and the cardinals are in the biocube for quarantine now. I was acclimating with my display in a specimen container.

On a completely unrelated side note, both of my tangs have ich in my main display now. No idea how that happened. The tanks been running with no problems for years. It’s been a rough week. First Zoa Pox and now both of these issues at the same time.
Wrasses get through Ich fairly well. Most seem to have some resistance. Only advice is to feed heavily and often to keep their system strong. As to the Tangs it's not surprising. They can go forever with no outward sign until stressed. In this case the stressor was acclimating new fish.
I had 0 ich for 2 years. Then it came in a non quarantine frag. I learned to deal with it. All the fish seems ok? I figure it'll be more stressful too catch them than to let them be.

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Agreed. I’m just going to feed with selcon enriched rods food and keep the stress level down in The main display.

As for the quarantined fish. I’ll just leave them there for a month to make sure they are good and healthy before moving them into the display.

Thanks for not making g me overreact...most Reef forums are filled with that kinda of advice
Trust me I still quarantine for other nasty pathogens like velvet. I still do tomorrow just cause I don't want to introduce new strains of ich to tank either.

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Agreed. Do you treat or just watch in quarantine? Like do you preemptively treat for disease or just watch for a certain amount of time?
Ahh. Ok, I was unaware that there are multiple strains of ich.

Well the 6line looks way better today. No signs of ich and the sores looks better too.

The tangs in the display also look much better today. The 6ellow tang only has a spot or two and the blue tang has some sores left from the ich but no visible spots

Everyone in both tanks are eating well. Looking like this will work itself out with time and good food
I don’t have enough room or time to be able to do TTM. But it sounds like a solid way to keep ich out.

TTM is super easy and takes nearly no time. It probably takes about 1/2 an hour every 3 days.

Yeah, the way I look at it, my display has already got it, so it is what it is.

This is true. If you’re not going to pull all the fish out and TTM them and leave the tank without fish for 72 days then it is pretty much pointless to do any of them.

Well the way I see it you don't want to introduce new strain of ich. If you let the current ich go they'll eventually die off.

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Are there multiple “strains”? I’ve only seen one species name for it (Cryptocaryon irritans). I would argue that ich is in the system and the fish’s immune system keeps it at bay but they still carry it. That’s why you sometimes see fish all of a sudden exhibit symptoms even when nothing new has been added to the tank. It’s also why I don’t think you can accurately say that the current ich will die off. The only way to let it die off would be to break the life cycle.
TTM is super easy and takes nearly no time. It probably takes about 1/2 an hour every 3 days.

This is true. If you’re not going to pull all the fish out and TTM them and leave the tank without fish for 72 days then it is pretty much pointless to do any of them.

Are there multiple “strains”? I’ve only seen one species name for it (Cryptocaryon irritans). I would argue that ich is in the system and the fish’s immune system keeps it at bay but they still carry it. That’s why you sometimes see fish all of a sudden exhibit symptoms even when nothing new has been added to the tank. It’s also why I don’t think you can accurately say that the current ich will die off. The only way to let it die off would be to break the life cycle.

John just because their is only one breed of dogs if you keep one isolated and inbreed them they eventually die off due to Gene pool being too close. If you introduce a new dog of same species the gene pool is no longer isolated correct? That's what I meant by different strains. It's been noted by studies that if you don't introduce new ich in the system the existing ich will die out over a few years.

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