High Tide Aquatics

Alk dosing question- snowflakes

I've got a problem with a very low Alk, around 4-5 dKH that I'm having trouble raising. I'm dosing the BRS 2-part system but when I see it dosing the Alk mix into the sump, besides the white cloud, I see flakes throughout the sump. I'm guessing this is precipitation, and if so, how do I dose the Alk mix w/o this problem? Should I dump my current batch of Alk and make a new batch and dose that or is there another problem i'm not aware of.
It's a concentration issue. One thing you can try is to dilute in half and double dose (same amount of "alk", just at 1/2 strength).
Dosing into a high flow area helps as well.

Also, check Magnesium (without getting technical, it effects how easy it is to get Ca/Alk into solution)