Neptune Aquatics

Anemone split

I was worried about my RBTA since I saw it going inside the rocks and showing some kind of shrinkage.
To day I spotted it at a different place but then I saw the mother coming out of the hide out rock; now is two RBTA.
Seems the GBTA too will split soon; saw it yesterday kind of shaped like an "8" figure.
Otakuthugster said:
Was the GBTA the one I handed out a couple months ago?
Otakuthugster said:
Was the GBTA the one I handed out a couple months ago?

Hi !

It's not that one but seems the GBTA I got from you is about to, saw it kind of shaped like an "8" figure
I'll let you know if it splits, is hosting a maroon clown. Wish Maroons were easy to accept a mate, if it was the case I would buy a larger clown.
I bought a rose anemone at OTA a while ago; last week asked Derek if they were to get more but was not sure, I need one for a Tomato Clown my brother has and last night the split happened so the Tomato will be happy fellow; eventually will get a companion for the little guy.

When I placed the anemone (GBTA) in the tank it did not like the position and it switched to a nicer flow place but melted lots of mushrooms during the move.
The first image is of the RBTA and the following of the one I picked from you; mushrooms on top are the ones melted by the stinging tentacles.



Wow, I'm so glad to see the anemone is doing well in your tank. I had a few doubts it would make it after my tank crashed, but I'm pleased that it has found a suitable, new home.
I'll let you know when it splits.
Checked today but nothing maybe likes to be shaped like that.
I'll feed it more often, seems some people have great success doing it.
My smaller RBTA that I've had for a bit more than 1 month or so has been shaped like a "8" figure since I got it. Do you think it is working its way to eventually splitting?
Not sure about when or how the split happens, I just noticed the anemone shaped like that and since the rose did split, I assume it should happen similar to an "8" figure.
I read that some people overfeed the anemones as to get them "fat" just to use a term so they split.
I feed mines Krill, two pieces once a week but the clowns sometimes grab a piece of food for them too; most of the time flakes.