High Tide Aquatics

Anthony's 33g Oceanic Cube Tank

Looks great Anthony, looks very well thought out, I love that SPS dedicated top section. One of these days I'll see it person, one of these days...
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I'm really happy with the way tank turned out overall :D And still more room for things to grow, which is the beauty of these systems.

Not much has changed recently. I did get rid of a fist size colony of Montipora sp. that was growing WAY to aggressively, and irritating a couple Acropora colonies. I fragged most of the colony, and gave it to another reefer. What I could not get off of the rock (the encrusted portion), I covered with super glue gel, followed by a thin layer of epoxy. Montipora no more. I did put a nice frag of birdnest, and an acropora frag in it's place though ... I'll try and get some pictures of those up some time soon.

And R.I.P. on tailspot blenny ... just sort of went MIA ... :(
ReefnMadness said:
I really like your rock work Anthony! I have the same tank and mine is basically a pillar of rock! lol Your pictures are amazing! Great shots.

Thanks Madness! Our tanks don't have the length, so we've got to build upwards right? It was fun putting the rocks together! :D

@ Erick - One of my favorite fish! The one that died was the better looking of the two too!
Well, look who it is :)
How are you Joyce? How is everything with you?! New tank yet?
Thanks for the kind words about the tank -waiting for things to grow more! Though everything I got from you is like double in size!!! :D
Yep, always still lurking around the forums.
Glad to see and hear that everything is doing well with your tank.
Everything looks great.
Things are going well.
As for me, no new tank yet-may be a while before I start up again.
I sure miss those LFS in the Bay Area.
My tank at a little over a year old
Well, the day has come for me to take this tank down. I put a lot of time and thought into making this decision, and it is in my, and the animals best interest. The past month or two I have had a hard time finding time to care for everything. The coming months I will be even more busy, as I will be graduating, and moving onto other things in life. I cannot for see the time commitment being there.
In the next couple days I will post a thread listing everything for sale. The three DBTC's I have will be re entered into their respective chains (I haven't even had time to frag them to put them back into the program).
hey sorry to hear you go. i know i got out for ten years and last year started back up. Going to miss all your photos as you seem to have the eye to catch details! Good luck on all your endeavors. Joe
I am keeping my other two marine tanks :) I am just taking this one down as is commands much more attention than the other two combined. Thanks for the kind words Joe :)
A_Lee said:
Okay, I'll give it a completely new try!
If this attempt doesn't work, I'm doomed, haha.

Where the magic happens

Ha! I had totally forgotten this was my old tank until I saw this shot. Everything working out okay down there?
Matt, are you the person who drilled the tank and installed the external overflow?
I saw the tank and it was really nice the way it was done.
Any images of the mod/cutting/slicing through the glass?
I know is Antony's journal but figured if the tank was retired might as well derail the thread a bit.