
Bristleworm : How to catch

Came home today to find one of my prize SPS hiding nearly all of its polyps and looking grazed around the bottom. My first thought was bleaching, but everything else looks happy. A quick check of all my params shows no trouble, but while I was working, what must be a 2-3" bristleworm poked his head out of a nearby hole. The rock he is in can be removed, though I will have to unglue a few pieces of coral. Do you think a freshwater soak will flush him out?

For the curious:
Salifert NO3 : undetectable
Salifert PO4 : undetectable
Alk: 10.7 dKH
Ca: 380
Mg: 1320
Most bristleworms are scavengers and not predators. Got a pic or can you snap one of this bristleworm of yours?
Easiest way to remove a bristle worm is to put a bottle on the bottom of the tank at night with some food/dead fish/whatever inside, they'll find a way in. At night because they're not terribly fond of the light, I had some big fuckers in my anemone tank, 12" long at least, I had to grab them with tweasers with a red light that's not shining directly on them otherwise they make a run for back under the rock.