Cali Kid Corals

Brown jelly disease?

Need some help ID’ing this.


Hammer was doing really well until this morning when I noticed this.

Turned off all circulation and sucked off as much as I could with a turkey baster.

Decided it’ll be better to cut off that whole branch than have it infect the whole colony or worse other LPS I have in the tank.

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I don't know that this work but I do it anyway. Before you cut or break off the head that's dead make sure you use a turkey baster or similar to suck up all the "jelly." If possible I then take a plastic bag and surround the coral before I lift it from the tank. I have had success in the past doing a ten day QT and dip procedure on the coral to keep the spread from happening. I have come to believe though that Brown Jelly often appears when the corals are stressed even if nothing new is introduced.
I sucked off as much of the brown jelly as I could, set off all circulation and then removed the whole colony before chopping off the infected heads and the head closes to the infected piece. I tried moving the coral out as slowly as possible and continued sucking out whatever pieces I saw floating around.

It looks normal like nothing happened, but will continue to monitor the colony and move it into a QT once it gets worse.

Possible stressors I can think of:
- Re-treating tank with fluconazole because of some bryopsis growing again
- Clowns started hosting it vigorously on and off
- Change from Salinity to Red Sea Blue Bucket

From the looks of it, nothing else is affected
When I see brown jelly, I would cut that head off ASAP, don’t blow it in the same water where you have other lps

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