
Ceramic Frag plugs

BAF hit a bunch of stores so I know there are some locals selling them. Maybe check the BAF website (Boston Aqua Farms). Where are you located, that'll help narrow down who I should suggest :)
BAR will probably be offering a group buy through Boston Aqua Farms in a few weeks. We are trying to get a BAR stamp on the bottom of the plugs. I will update you guys as I know more.
can ceramic plugs leach silicates? since the clay itself has lots of silica in it, or is it a special none silica clay?

I was thinking about making custom plugs like BAF, it isn't very hard and supplies are "dirt" cheap.

any advice helps, may just make the agrocrete plugs instead.

Once fired to the right cone the silica can't be leached out for the most part. Think glass aquarium. Also think ceramic shafts on impellers ;)

Problem with agrocrete ones is cure time.