Cali Kid Corals

DBTC- Duncans

I have a couple frags of Duncan frags ( YELLOW / LIGHT LAVENDER W/ GREEN HUE )
This is strickly for DBTC use, not for gain nor for future sales to whom ever gets it and other folks after, if you can abide by this then your on the list. must be a BAR member as well.

Frags are 2-4 polyp duncans. Lost color as is no longer under strong lights.


old pics

We would like put use in the hat for one of the frags. Suggestion on placment needs to be placed high.

Mike Ray

We will be tomorrows meeting and at Baymac
Marion, you have dibs on the first frag.
mray2660 , you have dibs on the 2nd frag.

1 frag left.

Sorry , I'm not going to baymac. Hardly any space for corals. Pick up at my place.
Sorry was out till late yesterday.

I'm available from 5pm till 7pm. (earlier the better of the 2 ). Marion and Bluetang let me know when you wanna drop by.
mray2660 , can't make it so who ever wants the frag can have next dibs