Reef nutrition

DBTC ORA Pearlberry

I have a spare Pearlberry frag on an ORA plug that I will be putting into the program. This coral seems to like the medium-high light, turning the pearly cream with blue/purple tips. I have it 1/3 down from the waterline, in moderate flow. I have two of these one mounted horizontally, the other vertically. The horizontal frag seemes to grow faster, pushing out the branches with greater frequency. When settled in, this coral started growing a solid 3/4" a month or more. No picture since it's in a bad spot for my limited photo skills :)

Standard DBTC rules apply, such as be a member, tank thread, etc....pick a number between 1-50, to be chosen on Thursday. Frag can be picked up at the swap, or make arrangements with me to meet up near Alameda.