
DBTC Yellow Gorgonian with white polyps.


Supporting Member
a common Gorgonian, nice color and polyp extension. 3 frags available, pickup at the BOD meeting this Saturday.

Chime in and it's yours, preference to A's fans :)
Diodogorgia nodulifera or to be safe Diodogorgia sp.

How did you mount them?
they are unmounted right now. I would mount them the same way I mounted Apons gorgonian by stripping it to "wire" and then superglue gel to a plug.
if you could save me a frag for the feb swap, i would love to get a piece. i did a search and this is non-photosynthetic. i have a place underneath my monticaps i would love to fill in my 100.

thanks, g
Jar is disqualified :) j/k Giants fans are welcome too, but no Angels fans.

yes make sure you are able as this was saved from a coworkers tank and was in bad shape and is now on the up and up.

I have in it med flow and light, I dont have any low light area.

Sergio and glee, i'll have yours at the BOD meeting and the swap.
The gorgonian I have seemed to just take hold when pushed into a hole in the rock. Does this one do the same? Mine is light brown with about the same color polyps.

Gresham, what does this pull from the water column for food?
saltwatersig said:
Is this low light, low flow , heavy feeding ? (yikes....sounds my yearbook description )

med - high flow
heavy feeding in the .05mm to 3mm range of zooplankton
light may cause algae to grow on it so no high light