Neptune Aquatics

Does anyone know what this is?

Back then we had a speaker; BOD did a great job in booking Leslie? ________ (please chime in) the presentation was about polychaetes ? (worms)
The capture of the eunicid worm was after the presentation. I think she would have loved seeing that worm; heck, take a selfie or who knows, maybe take it for a ride back home!

My brother tried pulling it out with long plastic tongs but ended using the pliers to grab hold of the hitch-hiker
Thanks everyone... It was the Butterfly.. took it back to the store (got store credit).
Everything is just fine now.. and growing :)

Thanks for the help everyone.
OMG. I just saw this post and thought that 5gal bucket was a little petri dish. Yikes! What did you guys do with that worm?