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Finally Back in the game

Hello, my name is Brad and I finally have a tank coming together. I have been on the forum for a few months now and really looking forward to picking the groups brain and giving back as much as I can.

In the early 2000's (College) I had a 75 gallon bowfront reef tank and a 55 gallon bowfront FOWLR. Since then I have been dry and waiting to get back into the hobby. In November we bought our long-term house or so we are currently planning and with that came the talks of a reef tank. The wife and I both love looking at reef tanks with all of the awesome fish and crazy activity. So she finally caved and let me get a ew tank and I decided to go bigger than I have ver gone before. I decided on a 120 with most of the bells and whistles.

I would rate my last reef tank as so so and now I know why. For starters the equipment 10 years ago was no where near today and the techniques and advise of the times was also lacking. This time we are doing it all a bit different and I have a lot more knowledge available to have a successful tank. I am looking forward to getting the tank going and sharing/learning from the forum.