High Tide Aquatics

Fixing LED fixture

Donor board with white and blue diodes.
Underneath, notice the glass panes; been slowly cleaning the silicone off of all of them for a future project on a rainy day, week, month...


LED's match size !!
Had tu use a heat-gun to remove them, they had adhesive holding them in place; one was sacrificed, unfortunately it was a blue one.


Not so ugly now ATO; has a relay switch, was really, really ugly put together; changed the AC cord, added a grommet and carved two holes for the AC cord to fit nicer in the little black box.

Those electronics I see on the LED board itself look like it might be the driver.
Can you get part numbers?

If it is what I think it is, you might be able to add PWM control to it.
Yes, that looks like a power supply in the picture, not a driver, but could be both.

Unlikely, but there may not even be a driver.
Some really cheap boards just use a resistor.
(Measure Vf on diodes, calculate current-voltage, add big resistor to match)
A bit of extra labor, but if labor is cheap, it is less than a driver.

If you are going to put your own driver on, you need to understand the current circuit first.
Supply voltage, current per string, total Vf, Source or Drain connected, and so on.

Eons ago, when I was in middle school, for my shop class I chose electronics but I have forgotten all about it; something like when you run out of hard drive space, you delete tons of files then realize you have deleted precious photographic memories along. I've kept my eyes open for a nice multi-meter, it would have been easier to test the LED's with that than looking for a small watch battery and ghetto-rig-it to test each LED.