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Forest Green with Baby Blue polyps monti cap

Get it while it's hot. Regular rules. Ya know ya want it............3 frags.....
Euod: PM sent.

BAR members: 2 frags left of a very attractive monti cap, grows and heals quickly, guaranteed to provide shade for your shade loving corals. :)
Thanks, Tony.
I picked up such a little frag early last year from Aquatic Gallery in Milpitas when I knew "nothing" about selecting "nice" corals. I just got lucky and MAN does it provide shade! Place one like this near the bottom of the tank with no photosynthetic coral at or below it. My recent fragging of it was in response to it growing over and shading a meteor shower cyphastrea that has recently started spreading off the disc and onto the LR. :)
Single frag ready, just learned how to edit status to reflect that! Think I will hit the swap but not 100% sure as of right now...