got ethical husbandry?

Got Windows 8.1 or using Internet Explorer 10+?


Xenforo does not support IE 10+.

In fact, it breaks Ajax so you can't type anything into fields or boxes that have jquery/ajax enabled posts, much like this subject box I'm writing in.

If you still insist on using IE, please follow these steps:

1. Press the "Alt" button in the desktop IE 11 and bring up the Menu bar(File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help)
2. If you click tools, you'll have a dropdown menu and click "Compatibility View Settings"
3. A pop-up box will appear and you can then type your website(or whatever website in) and add it to the list and it'll refresh and you should be able to post fine without any issues.

But I would suggest moving away from IE if you can. I haven't used IE in years due to compatibility issues that started long ago and never seemed to get any better.

I was on a beta release of an IE version a few months ago and noticed it wasn't playing nicely with xenforo. I assumed it was just the beta release. I just checked the latest official release of IE 11 and it doesn't work either.

It's probably terribly frustrating to the 50% of internet users that use some version of Internet Explorer that they can't post to our website.
I was on a beta release of an IE version a few months ago and noticed it wasn't playing nicely with xenforo. I assumed it was just the beta release. I just checked the latest official release of IE 11 and it doesn't work either.

It's probably terribly frustrating to the 50% of internet users that use some version of Internet Explorer that they can't post to our website.
Yeah, I'm sure it is but we really should encourage folks to use other browsers like Chrome or Firefox, especially if they care about their privacy/security.
Yeah, I'm sure it is but we really should encourage folks to use other browsers like Chrome or Firefox, especially if they care about their privacy/security.

50% of Internet users are using Microsoft IE, no matter how much we may dislike Microsoft, their browser, or the fact that they are based in Seattle instead of the Bay Area. 20% of users are using Internet Explorer 11, which definetly does not work with our current forum software. By failing to support a standard web browser with our forum software, the only thing we are accomplishing is alienating the people that actually like that browser, or the ones that have to use it because of their work environment, or the ones that just don't know how to install a different browser. Those are potential members that we've lost, or existing members that won't come back.

Our forum software should work with all major web browsers. Thats a really low expectation.
I wish we could convince xenforo devs to look into this, but if you look at their responses, they are marking it a browser issue, not a xenforo issue.
While I enjoy the thought of being able to support all browsers since that's the ideal situation, there's not too much we can do that's outside of just sitting and waiting for a fix to be implemented or to switch to yet another forum platform.

This reminds me of the Android fragmentation and how companies do not enjoy supporting the multiple Android OS versions out there. It's really a losing battle where the ROI is highly diminishable. There's only so many of us (with limited time might I add) volunteering for our website so we definitely want to keep our time focused to the bigger picture. However, if we do have time to tackle other things, I'm all for it.