Our mission

Grapes of Wrath?

For some reason this is a slow grower for me. I have one frag ready to put back into DBTC. I checked the waiting list, with my random number generator, the frag goes to Eric (IBN). Are you going to the April meeting?
speeds means nothing :) It is up to the donor who to give the coral to. Request order only matters if the donor wants it to matter (which is sometimes the case out of shear laziness on having to pick :p)
It's big enough to cut into a few decent sized pieces (I just saw it last week), but sadly Mikey does not have the time to cut it up and deal with it right now, in fact he has no time for his tank, you'll be seeing a few more DBTC corals from him soon as things wind down..

If people are interested I can figure out a way to cut it up and distribute it, not that I have the time or the saw, but for BAR DBTC, I'll see what I can do.
Ive been thinking about getting a saw soon...Want to make sure I get a pretty good one that will work well and last for a decent price. Locally is preferable. Any ideas? I know screebo loves his griffin...I think the other common brand is in land, anybody got one and like or dislike it? Other issues are setup time, portability, replacement blade/maintenance cost?
!!!! bastage!!!
It's sad that you forgot your hat :), I'm not worried about Tony, if he hasn't learned from working with lasers then he deserves the punishment..