Cali Kid Corals

HELP! My 6 line has decided that my frostbite clown must die

Hi all, I noticed a smacking sound from my tank two days ago and saw my 6 line chasing a clownfish. I chased him away. It happened again yesterday but only once. Right now it's happening non stop. I tried isolating the clown in a net but it thrashed constantly. I ca'nt catch my 6 line. My clowns refuse to fight back at all. What do I do?
I’m trying a mirror but he seems to be locked into kill mode.
Another possible trick is just move rock around. It can disorient them a bit and also cause them to lose their territory definitions.

In either case, having a breeder box or something along those lines can be very helpful for separating fish without a secondary tank
I once had to take out 50% water, remove majority of rockwork from one half of my tank and then wait til my dottyback swam to that side of the tank and then used a piece of acrylic I had laying around that fit perfectly as a divider wall to keep him on that side then I was able to net him.

Six lines and majority of dottybacks are now on my do not buy list. As gorgeous as they are you just never know when one will turn super aggressive.
Another possible trick is just move rock around. It can disorient them a bit and also cause them to lose their territory definitions.

In either case, having a breeder box or something along those lines can be very helpful for separating fish without a secondary tank
I moved some rocks around but that didn't seem to snap him out of kill mode. I tried a mirror and he goes after it a little bit but gets bored.
I have isolated my clowns in a net for now.
I've tried for hours to catch the six line.
Any luck getting the Six-line out of the tank?
I am having no luck. I'll try pulling half the water out and seeing if that helps.
I've had luck cutting a storage bin lid down to size matching the tank width and depth. But make the depth longer so you can do a 45° or more angle getting the fish off the bottom as you sweep from one side to the next spooking him up off the bottom then easy to net trapped up higher.Moving the rocks to one side helps..Now my bigger tank one or two large trout nets comes out usually works just gota be careful not to snag a coral..Their catch and release nets so very small holes that are easy on the fish..Good luck
My yellow coris is a model citizen. He will chase new smaller additions to the tank for a few sec at a time for the first few days then doesn't even pay attention to them after that.