Reef nutrition

Is This Pump Bad?


Supporting Member
My Mag 12 B return pump has open housing:

Even if it needs to be replaced I am happy. Got Apex alerts overnight that temp was 83 and salinity was almost 41 and worried Apex energy bar and/or other equipment was messed up. Turns out return pump was not pumping. Went to school expecting a bleaching event, but all was well thanks to Tunze circulation pumps and I am just running sumpless at the moment and may need to reset the fuge. Could have been so much worse!
So, I use Mag drive pumps for everything but have never seen one open where there is no fastener. Did water go in and rust it and it is bulging? Do I need to toss it? It has been my return pump for about 3-3.5 years, I think.
I would definitely toss it, looks like water seeped in and caused a rust bulge like you said. In addition to not working, it could become an electrocution risk.
find someone with a hangnail that's been freshly ripped off, remove their shoes and have them stick their finger in the tank when the pump is on, for added sensitivity make sure their socks are wet. A tingle means to toss it, no feeling... well they may be dead, but more likely than not it's fine :D
I believe some pumps have the removable back plate; I have a Mag 12 as well to mix SW.
You can check if the plastic piece is removable and look at the epoxy block for any indication of swelling.
You can have the Mag 12 I have if you want a straight replacement.