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I've got flatworms...

So I've noticed these brown spots on my corals and didn't think too much about it. Then I noticed more and more spots. I did some searching and they seem to be red flatworms.

Well, I just got a leopard wrasse today and some other sites have said that these wrasses eat flatworms. So my question is, so I wait to see if the wrasse eats them, or should I look into getting flatworm exit?

I like Flatworm Exit. Works like a charm and will clear a 100 tank riddled with flatworms in one treatment. It's like watching a miracle happen. I used it about six months ago and have seen no more of the little buggers.
Biological controls are hit an miss, in the water seems to help. These guys are just an eyesore though and don't really need to be removed. Often the population will crash on its own. FWE works - I would be sure to do a big water change after and run carbon actively like in a canister filter. Or, go to the meeting today! :D
Red planaria are benign for the most part, really just an eyesore as Rich mentioned. If you have them and they are getting out of control, you have other issues as well and FWE will only mask one issue. Look into why you have a nutrient build up and solve that first.
I'd go to the meeting if I wasn't showing my place to fill an empty bedroom. Blah.

Well they're not a problem, but I like to nip things in the bud. We shall see how the wrasse does and go from there.

Thanks all!
look into your nutrient problem if you want to nip things in the bud :) simply controlling them with a wrasse means you're masking the real issue and that issue will come back to haunt you in a bigger way then the red planaria.



Water Changes

Running the skimmer wetter

Solid carbon dosing

the list goes on and on ;)

Every tank requires it's own unique solution IME