got ethical husbandry?

Kyle's Blue Orgasim


Supporting Member
I'm offering 2 frags of these blue zoas as my first DBTC frag. They do best in low light, and keep their intense blue color and green skirts even in fully shaded areas. I think I have 2 frags of 2-4 polyps at this time. Pick up in Palo Alto, otherwise, I hope to make the October meeting.

Please follow the standard DBTC rules for future sales and gifting.

Those have been on my most wanted list for some time now. Great looking zoas. I would like to be considered for a frag of this. I could pick it up in Palo Alto as well as the October meeting as I should be able to make it.
Mine got mostly killed off by some strange zoa death wave but are starting to come back.
I'll try to frag some by BAYMAC.