Our mission

Late Introduction


Supporting Member
Good Morning fellow reefers,

I've been to the last few meetings and met some of you but have yet to formally introduce myself. Better late than never right?
I had my first reef tank in the mid 1980's in Alameda.
It was a 40 gal tru-vue with the overflow / filter section included in the back.
I had some live rock and went through numerous fish at different times. Frog spawn, and other LPS were also challenging.
I was using bio balls at the time as a wet dry set up, no skimmer+ poly filter pads.
A single mogule base Halide was my light source.
I lost all inhabitants on a 100 degree + day while I was at work.
My LFS was Alameda Aquatics where Henry was the guru at the time.
In Oakland I met Hunter and Corrina from Lucky Goldfish. I was thrilled with Hunters' success and I beleive this still drives me today.
Incidently, I saw Hunter and Corrina recently in Target at the Bayfair mall. Sadly, they don't even keep a reef anymore.
In 2004 I purchased my current tank (http://www.bareefers.org/home/node/15468) as an impulse buy. Had the wifes approval, and really wanted back in the hobby.
At this time, I purchased a wet dry filter for under the tank.
Since this was an impulse buy my learning curve was steep, having been out of the hobby for more than 10 years.
I started with some softies and frog spawn again, pulsing xenia's and the like.
When I realized the bio balls were not the ticket, I scrapped that and adopted the Berlin method. Eventually made lots of changes to the sump until I ended up with my current setup.
I was really taken with Tropical Paradise and the way Eddie and Lance had the huge surge tanks running. Very cool set up.
My tank has undergone many changes and alterations since inception.
Recently, since beginning to attend meetings and using the forum I have learned alot and continue to do so daily.
Thanks to all contibutors, and see you in the forums!
John :)
Good meeting you at the meeting John. Glad to see you invested the 30 bucks and taking advantage of the speakers we have scheduled for 2013.
Scarbird said:
My LFS was Alameda Aquatics where Henry was the guru at the time.
In Oakland I met Hunter and Corrina from Lucky Goldfish. I was thrilled with Hunters' success and I beleive this still drives me today.
Incidently, I saw Hunter and Corrina recently in Target at the Bayfair mall. Sadly, they don't even keep a reef anymore.

I suppose Hunter needed a break... I still feel a twang of disappointment when I pass by where they were last located (the space is still vacant).

Back then did you ever make the trip up to Octopus's Garden in Berkeley?
Thanks for the welcome, and it was equally nice meeting you all. Happy to share my passion with some other like minded individuals.

David, I did make it to Octopus's garden a few times. Was this a place you frequented?
Scarbird said:
David, I did make it to Octopus's garden a few times. Was this a place you frequented?

Back when I was in school they were the closest LFS to me. IIRC the storefront was taken over by a medical marijuana dispensary.
lattehiatus said:
Scarbird said:
David, I did make it to Octopus's garden a few times. Was this a place you frequented?

Back when I was in school they were the closest LFS to me. IIRC the storefront was taken over by a medical marijuana dispensary.

....from one reef joint to another. ;)