got ethical husbandry?

My old 10g Nano

This is my old 10g Nano tank, overgrown a bit, just before I moved. I still have the hardware but The clownfish and all of the corals were given away a couple of years ago when I moved :( Have a new 40g now but it's not worth photographing yet!

This was my first reef tank, I started with the GARF bulletproof calculator and went from there by trial and error. In the end I had a window screen/eggcrate plenum with 3-4" caribsea special marine grade, a redsea prism (did not really skim but gave me a place to put carbon and phosban), 72 watts of PC lighting (AHsupply bulbs and reflectors in a homebuilt low-profile fan-cooled enclosure with a silenx fan since it was on my desk), 1/2 actinic 1/2 10000K bulbs, B-ionic 2 part 10mls daily, Potassium Iodide 10 drops daily, and two zoomed powersweep 212 oscillating pumps, which I loved for this little tank although a lot of people say they have problems with them. I did partials with filtered seawater.

All the corals look tiny because I had to prune them constantly, but most of them started from a "last thing on the table" frag that just looked like a rock with nothing on it when I got it, so I'm happy with the growth I was getting for these easy corals in this tank.


If you even plan to let go of that nice 10 gal tank, i have a place for that in my office. Currently looking for 7 to 10 gal office tank.
I still get a warm fuzzy feeling every time someone mentions AH Supply. :D

That was a very nice successful low-tech tank! Regardless of whether the new 40g is photograph-worthy or not, go ahead and post your progress anyway. Every tank starts out bare. ;)
I'm scavenging about half of its hardware into a little side project right now but I'll keep ya in mind if I take that down. I saw a couple of co-workers use a similar "modified bulletproof" method for small work tanks and get solid results if you're thinking of going that route- sometimes they tried variation (one guy experimented with kalkwasser where I was using b-ionic 2 part for example).
Thanks lattehiatus! The new tank is low-tech as well - it's basically a dsb, two whopping zoomed oscillating power heads, and a so-so hang on skimmer that I inherited with the tank. It has one of those built in sump in the back.insude of the same tank style deals that I wish weren't there but I put carbon and phosban back there and some reef rubble that is pretty lively with pods whenever I disturb it. Might eventually stick a reverse timed light over the little back part and try to make a hoopty refugium out of it. Anyway I'll post pics as soon as I have time to take some! Thanks again