Reef nutrition

My reef system

Hi all,

I recently moved to the area from NY and I wanted to share a few pictures of my last system build. It's not set up to be pretty, but I'm hoping to get some good frags out if it in the future.

The system consists of a 70 gallon display reef, 70 gallon display refugium, and a 55 gallon sump.

Edit: This was my system in NY and is currently running and maintained by my family. I do not have a reef system in California as I just moved here. After graduating from college I worked at home and designed this system, it has been running for around a full year now.


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  • Refugium.jpg
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Nice! I am setting up a similar system with equal sized DT and display refugium. But my GF and landlord wouldn't hear of it being in the house, so it is going in the garage (which is being transformed into a fish room :)). How long has your system been up?
Thanks guys,

Nice plumbing!
You landlord must have loved you!
What is the oldest fish or coral in there?

The system has been running for around a year and the majority of the corals are frags. There are some older large chromis and maroon clowns but I'm not sure how old they are. I used to work for an aquarium shop in NY and would get free fish when people took down their tanks.

Is that Caulerpa taxofolia is see in that fuge?

Best not advertise you have that in California... 9 species of Caularpa are banned here.

This was my system in NY and is currently running and maintained by my family. I do not have a reef system in California as I just moved here.