


Neptune Aquatics
LFS Owner
Hi Guys,

W have coming this Wed (yeah I know, we're closed Wed....BUT, you can come on Thursday! hehe) a hand-full of insane Ultra Grade Maximas (roughly about 2") for a very good deal @ $65.99! These are 100% aqua-cultured clams so they're very hardy. Historically, these are about $89/each. Here are some pictures of the actual clams that will be arriving:



Quantity is very limited so don't miss out!

Robert and Cerissa
US! Hawaii, to be exact.

It's our first shipment from this supplier so hopefully they are as good as ORA's clams. At least, that's what we're hoping for. :)

If you have a better source for juicy clams, we're all ears... ;)
I am pretty ignorant about it too. But, I was assured that it's all legal. All I know is that we sent them money...they better send those clams. Else, we're going to head there and get our money back. I think Cerissa can take them all if there's resistance.
Tony, these are not grown in HI waters and are not HI native. They are kept most likely at the inland Kona facility with the waste water being highly treated prior to disposal. Major bio security protocols are in place.

Reason I asked is PM (pinched mantle). Viet clams are known to harbor it. HI should be clean :)

I used to deal with Mangrove Tropicals that was doing clams and clowns. They are no longer though :( can't wait to see these :D
+1 on what Gresh said.

BTW...on Monday...I have another shippment coming in from them...I was told I have about 5X of jet-black mantel clams coming in as well as a Pink clam. They it's really is Pink. Never seen on of those, nor a "black" clam. I am pretty stoked about it.
raw is better :)

Pics? Make me sad I can't leave today...but I have to come over this weekend :)
sfsuphysics said:
Hmmm sizzling hot clammies? A little pricey to be eating them don't you think?? :D

Come on can't skim out on good food! You can skim out on anything else but not a good shuckle... :D
Yup and they mainly are eating highly nutritious algae so they must be very good for you :D

Tony, my friends and I call shrimp "skrimps" :lol: