Cali Kid Corals

Orange spotted filefish! :)

My new bonded pair came today... happiness.

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Yay you got them! So tell us about the tank they are going in. Any coral for them to eat?

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only problem right now is my bristletail filefish was harassing them... I gave him a bit of time out -- everytime he attacked i put him in a net for a few seconds. seem to have worked for now. He's leaving them alone.

I've had the bristletail for a long time to a point he comes up to my hand in the tank... didn't expect him to show aggression towards the orange spotted ones
I love filefishes in general... :) so very happy to get my hands on these. there was a set of pygmies as well but my work tank isn't ready yet for fish again yet... sigh.
Are your coworkers ready for fish yet? hee hee Honestly, sorry about that loss, I know it's not funny.
Pygmy filefish? Do they look similar only smaller?
Hey, are filefish the ones that swim in a shoal and all dive vertically, like in your clip, to hide in thick acros? I'm worried what it wants to eat with that long snout.
Are your coworkers ready for fish yet? hee hee Honestly, sorry about that loss, I know it's not funny.
Pygmy filefish? Do they look similar only smaller?
Heh... I would like to think that would like to fish back in my tank... many like to stop by to stare during their free moments. I just gotta tape and glue things shut so folks don't mess with my tank at work!

Filefish don't really swim in shoals... though some may hang out together particularly if you find a male\female to pair. One reason I got the pair of DD since they were bonded.

The OSF usually eat acros in teh wild as part of their diet but they can be converted to pellets and frozen. The bristetail will eat aiptasia and majanos and similarly they can be converted on over.

One reason I also let some GHA grow in my tank is that many filefish will graze on the GHA and nip some pods too. Every now and then they can get a bit nippy at corals depending on species (lost a bristletail once because it nipped a leather the released toxin right into its face \ mouth). Usually, they're very well behaved.

Had a large variety of different ones over the years... never a problem (in the long run after some settling in) in my opinion.
I feel your pain about people messing with tank. Kids kept ignoring the DO NOT TOUCH sign on the circ pump dry side magnet. When I added the reason "the inside part will fall" that helped. Then last year some kid taped up little signs that ended with "...or everything in here will die!!!" and we had no problems since.
Mine ate TDO pellets voraciously as well as acros. He also grazed on Acans, but never killed them -- just kept them irritated and closed up for many months. As to Orange-spotted eating pellets when they come from DD I don't think that's true. Their charts list filefish as being fed mysis, brine and pellets, but that doesn't mean they are eating all of thoise. Simply that they have been observed taking something. So two things to keep in mind. One, you cannot assume they are eating frozen or pellets, and two, you also can't assume they will eat in your tanks even if they were while in their holding tanks. We've all seen fish eat at stores before that stopped eating in our tanks (this happens a lot with Copperbands it seems. Finally, just because they move to pellets, etc that will in no way preclude them to eating corals as well.

For what its worth, mine wouldn't eat any pellets other than small TDO which I had to rub between my fingers to make it even a little more fine.