Reef nutrition

Potluck food items

I just found out Wine Country Reefers has thier meeting the same day at noon in Windsor. How can I do both? darnit. They have WINE, abalone, boar sausage and all kinds of other goodies.....

ARG what to do????
GreshamH said:
I just found out Wine Country Reefers has thier meeting the same day at noon in Windsor. How can I do both? darnit. They have WINE, abalone, boar sausage and all kinds of other goodies.....

ARG what to do????

I'll bring whines, boors, baloney, and a bunch of hooey too if that helps any...

GreshamH said:
I just found out Wine Country Reefers has thier meeting the same day at noon in Windsor. How can I do both? darnit. They have WINE, abalone, boar sausage and all kinds of other goodies.....

ARG what to do????

I probably should mmob, but what the heck. :shy:

This is my 6 sense (adjusted for inflation and prognostication) 0:)

Disclosure: I am not a licensed professional. You probably shouldn't even waste your time reading this. :glasses: However, My wife does give better advise than me, but she charges up to $125 per hour ;)

Here goes: Are you a member of Wine Country Reefers? If so, I can see your dilemma.

While it's easy to see the conundrum, well with abalone and all the other goodies, it's not always about food (unless your the "One that cannot be mentioned" :X Just fooling - really).

My guess is that they'll be another party next year with the same cast of characters and entrées.

Suck it up and take one for the team. (just kidding :p really I am ) I'm sure Wine Country Reefer is feeling the same way in a sense trying to figure out how to see our "very special speaker, Richard Ross, a founding member of our wonderful club and talented aquatic biologist."

You're a bright fellow and I'm sure you'll figure a way to maximize your return on pleasure one way or the other. H)

I know I'm glad not to be in your predicament, as abalone is my very favorite delicacy followed closely by lobster (yumm). I'm sure the abs are happy to be spared our voracious appetites for them. I just cancelled my other club's x-mas party, so I can spend time with our club members on their Tank Tour; and that was a difficult event for me to back away from.

In any event, you're certain to have a terrific time, and no one will fault you as you seem to be well loved through out the Reef Land. 8)

If I don't see you before the Holidays. Have a good one. Maybe we can hook up before or afterwards so I can receive the Portites frag from you. :santa:

Mr. Ugly said:
GreshamH said:
I just found out Wine Country Reefers has thier meeting the same day at noon in Windsor. How can I do both? darnit. They have WINE, abalone, boar sausage and all kinds of other goodies.....

ARG what to do????

I'll bring whines, boors, baloney, and a bunch of hooey too if that helps any...


LOL :D You can't pass this up could you Gresham?
I dunno, it might be cool, remember "Time Life presents Trials of Life" the first blatant animal carnage pRon sold on VHS? Mebbie we can set up a camera and get a crow pecking at a seagull, fighting over one of Sherri's cookies :D
GreshamH said:
This thread delivers but it could be SOOO much better if only Lyn would post :D

I'm back! :) Sorry for the absence; I've had my parents here for the last 2 weeks.

Norm, I vote for the tarts! Well, ok, we all love pulled pork too...hmmmm...... just make both! :D I'll pass on the balut piroshkis though. Somehow, I'm just not in the mood for crunching through geletinized baby birdies baked in a flaky pie crust. Reminds me of that nursery rhyme " Sing a song of sixpence" or "Four and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie." You can be the king though, ok Norm? :bigsmile: Oh, and bittermelon isn't that bad, depending on how it is made. My grandmother loved it. :)

So, I see that there are not many potluck items listed yet. I guess everyone is still eating Thanksgiving leftovers? We definitely are...speaking of birdie bones, my turkey bones are in the crock pot making stock right now...waste not, want not. :D

Are there any suggestions for me? I made Kalua pig last year, but Norm has the pork section covered. Do people like curry? Japanese, Indian, or Thai? Anything Hawaiian-ish? Any cravings Ian and Ed?

Of course, I'll make cookies too, unless everyone is tired of them? ;)

Oh, and Jeremy, my son has been plunking "The Final Countdown" on the piano almost everyday during his vacation last week, so I had to laugh when you posted that...then I had to cover my ears when I logged on to that site you :D
Guess curry isn't Christmasey enough. How about Cholesterol hors d'oeuvres? Little bits of seafood wrapped in bacon, served with a Kalamata Olive Aioli? Hopefully this will be enough fat and cholesterol to tempt even the pickiest palate. :bigsmile:
Hmm, Thanksgiving was just last week, next week a couple of my classes are doing their end of semester presentation, with promises of tasty food, then Saturday is the meeting with tasty food... and some sort of person talking or something.... yikes, good thing I'm not going to Maui this year, I'll be like all the other pasty white overweight tourists!
I love curry too! It's probably my favorite food. Indian's the best, but I dig Thai and Japanese curry too.

I might not be able to make it, though, so don't take my opinion as anything. It all depends on how prepared I am to leave for Europe the following Monday. (a week from tomorrow. eeek!)