
Power Surge leaves a Path of Destruction

Thursday night at 10 pm I have been trying to put my 3 1/3 yr old wired son to sleep when most of my dimmable lights went from 20 watts to 200 watts and back for several minutes, buy the time I could get to my breaker box and shut things down the damage was done, not realizing the extent of what had happened we walked the house and found two surge protectors had melted and smelled up our home. We opened up our front door to air out the house a bit when we saw that others were gathering outside to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing, looking down the street we saw about a dozen families getting together to trade the tales of the smell of burnt wire and plastic. Not more then 30 seconds later 6 yes 6 fire engines and 4 police cars arrived to get involed in our block party, 30 minutes later they all left the party to seek a livlier crowd, my power APC on my nano tank wouldn't stop giving off it's "Power Off" high pitch noise so I unplugged it to hook up my generator because the block of 15 homes was having a brown out now for 40 minutes. After unplugging it I had walked 6 feet from my tank when I heard that damm high pitched noise again, I got to the tank when I had discovered that it was not the APC so I walked to my dining room window and looked up to the second story of my good friends house and saw that their second story bedroom was totally engolfed with flames...........................I ran to my bedroom and yelled at my wife to call 911 and that the neighbors house was on fire, I ran to the neighbor's on the other house from them and banged on her door to get the key to their front door so when the fire department arrived the would not have to hack the door down. by this time 6 of us just stood there watching the bedroom of this house burn like it was made of balso wood and the only thing you could hear was the pounding of our hearts and the sound of crackling glass, 4 minutes later the fire department arrived and by the time I was done explaining the situation to the battalion cheif the fire was nearly out, I was a little shocked, the firefighters still went to work like it was a exposives factory standing at all points of the house and roof, the next thing we heard was the sound of breaking glass and chain saws, the fire that I thought was out became a pissed off pit bull, after the windows were broken throght the fire got the oxygen it needed to keep the guy's busy. 4 hours later things were coming to a close and the neighbors some came to me and thanked me for saving the bottom half of his parents home (They had been out of town for a month) the firefighters told me that the only thing that saved this house from total destruction was that before they left to go out of town they closed the guest room door and starved the fire of oxygen. They also said that 2 minutes more and house would have flashed and it would have been a total burn to the ground. So, it seems that the transformer next to us didn't blow it's little fuse and sent 6500 watts through 15 homes in my little area and tried to kill us, as it stands we are all still finding eveything from stovetops to laptops, fried GFCI's garage door openers, tv's (Pumps on my tank) you name it being pilled up on our front lawns (so to speak), I have flash burns on a couple walls in my house, I am still assessing the damage to my house and am still having my guy's coming and going to replace things such as my $1,000 tankless water heater ect. the only thing that saved my 2 plazma screens were my monster Power Surge Protectors (Melted) this saga will continue, everyone reading this should run out and buy some quality surge protectors to save their things and families.
Yea they were there that night doing a preemptive strike before they get a ton of phone calls, so far they have not returned my call (As I expected) I'm sure the company is rallying with their lawers before admitting guilt. These days people don't to F with me I'm not in the mood to be ridden by a team of lawers or a PR guy.
One thing that had left out of my story was the next day I entered the damaged neighbors house and saw the infamous closed door, it was burned a foot down from the top, that's right the top of the door was gone, it seems that the elderly couple haven't replaced their shag carpeting since the 70's (they rarely go upstairs) the carpet sealed the bottom of the door and the fire was looking for some air to breath and tried to escape between the top of the door and the jamb looking for more oxygen, if they had opened the door it would have caused a backdraft, this is why firefighters break the windows so as to give the fire another path so they can enter the room from the door to fight it, pretty wild huh.
oh wow. Crazy! Hope it all gets settled.

One thing I'd worry about would the the internal wiring to the whole house. Lets say that PG&E "fixes" everything superficial. How are is the wiring up to the device that fried?
Wow, just Wow.

Makes me wonder, what good are circuit breakers if a surge that can melt wiring occurs, I mean obviously if it's melting the wiring in walls it's exceeding the capacity of your breaker switch.

Well I'm glad so far the damage to your house is minimized (it didn't burn down). But yeah, start making a list of damage and get ready to file a claim.
Holy shit man, thank god everyone is ok.

So that's what a power surge is, I've been installing these protectors for years and never experienced a "surge", that is some scary sounding stuff...
Well my electricians were here most of the day today replacing outlets, meastro dimmers, bathroom & attic fans, light fixtures and my new tankless water heater. The nano tank faired well with just a bit of melting of the cooling fan on my nano chiller, my garage light fixtures were replaced and my low voltage step lights were fried. My house wiring is fine because most of it is new, I am still the neighborhood contractor for the young and elderly homeowners on my block and not getting much work done on my clients house but who else can they count on, there are contractors that would take advantage of a situation like this. Anyways long days ahead. Now let's see if PG&E holds up their end of the deal.
Mark you are a good man for helping those who would otherwise be taken advantage of kudo's to you. I hope everything works out well for you and your neighbors.
PG&E is a real pain when it comes to this, but, I suspect yours in much more cut and dry then what I and my friends have gone through. I lost some high end audio gear in a "phase shift" and it took me well over a year to get paid.