Reef nutrition

Rainbow Sherbet

This guy is doing great, thought i'd share a photo since i don't see it often. One from the chalice collection, Rainbow Sherbet.

@Kremis that looks great! the Rim will come eventually. glad to see others have a piece of this, i had to move it onto a bigger plug already.
thanks. I picked it up from a guy that was selling all his corals in daly city (he had a lot of nice zoas as well, picked up some) also he had that mother colony (I think) . Assuming that is where you got yours from?
yeah Ralph is a great guy. helping him unload some of this corals for his move.
did you see the other 20 rainbow chalices ? He has an epic collection.
yeah I spent a lot of time just looking at his stuff. He had almost every rainbow chalice out there, sold most on reef2reef thats how I found him.