
Raising Mag to deal with Bryopsis

Hi Everyone,
So far my tank is doing great, but I have noticed a few small spots of Bryopsis. I would like to deal with it before it becomes a problem. I'm thinking of raising my Mag with Tech-M. I would like to hear from people that have tried it. I remember trying this 2 years ago, and going to fast, killing all my snails. Will the raised mag affect other macro algea, how high did you go? Thanks for everyone's help
Once I had Bryopsis growing out of control in both my main tank and frag tank, and I used Tech-M, and it wiped out all of them in about a week of time. Then they came back strong, and Tech-M did not do any damage to them anymore, even after I raised Mg to more than 1600 with Tech-M (my normal level is around 1300).