High Tide Aquatics

Red digitata

Honestly, I have never figured out what is orange and what is red for digitatas. I have never seen a "deep red" digitata. Maybe they do exist. I was just got this piece a while back as a "red" digitata.

Happy to correct it if it is a poor/inaccurate description.
It seems like more of a red-orange to me. I don't know if you can ever truly get a red coral unless it's like blood red or something.
Awesome! Glad to get pieces out to some BAR members.
And when it grows out for you, tell me if it's a "red digitata" or "orange digitata"?
I can never tell how "red" is "red".

You can see it here up in top center of left-side tank picture (Sorry, too lazy to take a closer shot.)

I may have another frag available for DBTC for this June 2013 meeting.

Pick a number between 1 and 10.

Typical DBTC rules (but also have a tank thread and post pictures to share with rest of us).
Share back two frags in future.