High Tide Aquatics

Ron's 120


Supporting Member
Didn't really keep track of how this tank was put together, but here's the latest aquascaping.


120g w/20g sump, 2x250MH w 2x96W VHO, 2 x vortech gen 2, Geo kalkreactor.

Current inhabitants,

1 yellow tang, 1 potter's angel, 1 redtail tamaron wrass(?), 1 leopard wrasse from charles, 1 tomini tang, and 1 purple firefish, and the clown fish from fingerwrinkle (was a pair but the other one is gone).

Will post pics of corals later. you are welcome to comment on the aquascaping.

Man how I love the look of the potters, too bad my stony tank is to "invested" to make me ever want to put a dwarf angel in ever again.... ok not true, maybe when everything is really grown and tangled then I'll put more in if anything just because some nipping here and there won't make much of a difference.

So did you balance the rock? Or use any sort of rods or zipties to hold it like that?
may 50lb? Would it be not enough rock? the pillar on the left is drilled and inserted a 3/8" acrylic rod, and the right ones are just stacked and balance. Maybe I should drill and instert acrylic too.
I'm so glad someone else has as much coraline algae on the glass as I do. ;D

Everyone elses tanks are so pristine, that I was embarrased to post.

Thanks bluetang_2000 for giving me the courage. :D

BTW, neat pillars. You can place corals according to lighting needs.
Well, actually bluetang and 70cuda, the front panel is kept pretty scraped, but the back glass is a sheet of pink. Well, except that I did a recent 16 gallon H20 change and the top turned white. I'll post a pic under my tank thread so you can have a good laugh. ;D
A_Lee, the tank has been up and running since the beginning of the year, and redid the aquascape twice already. But my wife and I really like the aquascape now, so it's going to stay for a while.
Well, the aquascape didn't stay long enough. A friend came over last night, still trying to convince him to join BAR, and we redid the aquascape. Here's how it looks now.


Left Side:


Right Side:

I am so new at placing corals, don't knew how the new scape will function, but it looks much more dramatic and restful at the same time. Great rhythm. How do the fish use the new scape? I like the tang nearly out of sight 'inside'. Richard
haven't been updating the tank journal for a while, here's what's been change since last pic,

-changed from MH to 6xT5 overdriven by icecap 660 & 430
-removed all sand and go barebottom
-converted from center overflow to left corner overflow
-built stand for the 40g breeder to be used as frag tank, not finish but temporary holding corals

here's the updated pics,
Full tank


left side


Right side

frag setup

jimmy, actually this is the 2nd one from petco, the first one was cracked when I try to clean. great customer service @ petco. the frag tank is put in service so I can put the corals there while I reaquascape the main tank. it will be taken out of service so I can put the finishing touch to the stand and built a light hanger like the one you have over the tank. time is never enough and always goes too fast when you have your hands in the water :(