Reef nutrition

San Francisco native but so new to salt!

Hey what's up everyone?! :party:

My name is Jeff and I was born and raised in good 'ol San Francisco and almost lived here all of my life!!
Can't beat the Bay man and there is nothing else like it.

I am going to be new to the saltwater thing, but am experienced in freshwater for many years on and off.

I'm glad to have come across B.A.R thanks to Googles help and I hope to learn a lot about this hobby from all of the B.A.R members here. Can't wait!

I have to admit all of the new things about maintaining water parameters for marine life was overwhelming at first, but after reading more and more and watching a crap load of youtube videos about such relative topics, I believe I have grew a lot of basic knowledge of what needs to be stable, what each piece of mechanical equipment actually does and achieves. I have a natural ability to learn these things pretty quickly and I don't mind a challenge, so I guess you can say I like to learn? haha

Well, good to meet you all via these forums and hopefully we can trade/share frags and share tips one day! :)

Keep it SALTY~,
Welcome Jeff.

This is a great group of people (I'm new here too). Become a member if you can. There's going to be a great aquascaping demo next Saturday. You'll get to meet the real people behind the odd screen names! :)
Thanks everyone!

I already donated to BAR so I am waiting for the Membership confirmation. Soon! :)

Oh, yeah, it is raining here in S.F. = Free Carwash
aqua-nut said:
Welcome Jeff.

This is a great group of people (I'm new here too). Become a member if you can. There's going to be a great aquascaping demo next Saturday. You'll get to meet the real people behind the odd screen names! :)

Shhh, I'm trying to hide behind my anonymity

Welcome to BAR!
Thanks everyone for the welcoming - glad to be aboard :)

I can see how my BAR name would look similar to the beginning of a Toyota's VIN # lol

I contacted Gen about a quote for a tank - we'll see how that goes!