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SanJose, where to get glass cut for baffles, DIY sump?

It would be pretty easy and much cheaper to use Acrylic. You can have them custom cut at TAP plastics. If it's a glass tank you can still silicone acrylic in. Plus you can modify them if you need to make changes later. Just a suggestion. If it's in the sump, it's not as important to look perfect.

Sorry I am not aware of where to get glass cut. Good luck.
I got my glass cut at lowes for my previous sump. It was cheap and affordable. However, the cuts aren't clean. You have to be very careful when you are putting you hands in the sump.

I am currently using acrylic on a glass sump. You're right, it' doesn't hold up well. If someone had success with this, please share what type of silicone was used.
bee505 said:
I got my glass cut at lowes for my previous sump. However, the cuts aren't clean. You have to be very careful when you are putting you hands in the sump.

Buff the edges with wet 500 (or finer) grit wet dry sand paper to remove any sharp edges.
E6000 works great for both acrylic and glass. Make sure you let it cure for at least 72 hours (a week is better) and use only in a very well ventilated area.