Cali Kid Corals

Shoppin' Time! :P

Well I within a few months it will be under MH. The lights on my RSM say 2x 55w T5 Power Compact Fluorescent... If I set up the 28g with 150w MH-HQI I'll put it in there. If I don't set up a new tank, then most likely I'll upgrade the lights on my RSM to 150w MH-HQI... However I'm guessing that will change the anemones attitudes, and having lots of giant anemones, this should cause them to move around and probably mow right through all of my corals... :bigsmile:
My sister joined some spot called "Lacrosse" and promised to pay for everything herself. The next day she spent all of her money and my parents are paying a LOT of money for "Lacrosse" equipment and she buys the most expensive equipment she can fine... Anyways, my dad is paying for all of it since my mom didn't want her to do "Lacrosse", so now my dad owes me a LOT of money to make up for what he is paying for her "Lacrosse" stuff... So I'm going shopping tomorrow. Anyone seen any nice anemones anywhere? Which LFS. I think I might be going back to Green Marine in Berkley tomorrow. :D
Well if I don't find anything I like then I'll most definitely save it. However my B-Day is coming up which is when I get lots of $) $) $) and I'm going to use that $) $) $) to upgrade lighting. $) $) $)
Man, it must be nice. I can only imangine the whopping I would have gotten if I told my Dad he owed me anything, but it would have been epic if I said he owed me money for my fish stuff cuz he spent money on my sister for a sport.....
Parents owe their kids a handful of Cheerios tossed onto the kitchen floor once in a while if the kids aren't old enough to walk yet.

After that, they owe them an occasion whack on the butt if needed :D
Roc said:
Man, it must be nice. I can only imangine the whopping I would have gotten if I told my Dad he owed me anything, but it would have been epic if I said he owed me money for my fish stuff cuz he spent money on my sister for a sport.....

She said she would pay for it, but she made my dad pay. I pay for all my aquarium stuff, so he said it would be OK if he owed me money! :bigsmile:
I get $10 every week for my allowance... that is if I remember to ask my parents for it... :bigsmile:
I also get $2 every day to buy brunch at school. I never actually buy the brunch, but it does accumulate a lot of money! However, today they were selling valentines where you could write a message to somebody as a secret admirer. I bought 4 of those and I should be receiving my valentines from me to me tomorrow... I bought them because each one came with a free piece of candy! :D