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Should I try to save a damsel?

I came home after the swap and found one of my damsels stuck against the overflow. I peeled him off but he is not moving too much besides fast breathing. I was thinking about putting him back in the tank in an isolated container but should I worry about him getting sick due to stress (i.e. ick) and infecting my other fishes?

I personally would put him in some sort of quarantine so that he doesn't get the rest of your tank sick. I had the same thing happen to me once with a clown and he died shortly after. I suspected it was brooklynella.
Look at the other fish in the tank. Is there any heavy breathing or gasping for air at the surface? Another thing to look for is fish that are rubbing against rocks/corals/etc. If there are, set up a quarantine ASAP and move the diagnosed fish to there.