got ethical husbandry?

some zoa..

Simple rule:
Put back 3 same size frags before trading or selling..

It's the zoa on the right. The actual frag is on the left.
Hey Dan and Club. I've got two frags ready for the March meeting. These zoas grow like weeds! My entire disc was covered and going over the edge so I made two frags with 3 or 4 polyps on each frag and replaced the mother colony on the reef. They are beautiful and very special zoas.

Pick a number from 1 to 10 and plan to pick up at the March meeting. I'll post pics of the frags soon!
Yes, indeedy, Matthew. That would be the BOD meeting of BAR.

And.............Now I've got Fastrak! Hot-cha-cha-cha-cha

PS Alternate p/u can always be arranged. I'd just like to keep an eye on them for a week or so.