Cali Kid Corals

Suggestions for places to hold meetings


Past President
We're looking for inexpensive meeting places to host our meetings. The December meeting and February swap are already taken care of and we have some options for places like the Steinhart for future meetings. But, here is your chance to come up with other options.

If you have a suggestion, or contact, for a space that holds 50-100 please post here or PM tuberider.

We are also looking for a space that can hold 200+ for our August regional swap.

No particular suggestions for specific locations, however having a non-permanent location for a meeting does appeal to me, as it might others who have to drive fairly far (relatively speaking) to go to meetings. Plus it might be useful for whomever is donating the space, if they have some other use for the space at certain conflicting times of the year.

I'd offer my basement up, but no way 50-100 people are going to fit in there... well at least while sitting :D
.. this is CA, why not outdoors once in a while? maybe a park in the 580-x80 area since it's pretty central for a lot of us. sorry, no specifics, just a thought.
Would be challenging if we want to set up a projector based presentation. Also, we are at the mercy of the weather and this time of the year, who knows if we'll get rain. Although in some cases later on, it could be a nice option!
[quote author=theaquariumshowroom link=topic=5494.msg68362#msg68362 date=1228944748]
I know of this Huge Store in San Jose that has plenty of space and also can house everyone for the frag swaps.

;) Thanks Max. We greatly appreciate your continued support and look forward to using that huge space in December and February.
[quote author=theaquariumshowroom link=topic=5494.msg68362#msg68362 date=1228944748]
I know of this Huge Store in San Jose that has plenty of space and also can house everyone for the frag swaps.
I'm wondering where that is ;D.. Thanks Max!!

Oh you know the frag swap is normally on Saturday right? Not sure if that would cause any problem for you.
[quote author=sfsuphysics link=topic=5494.msg68312#msg68312 date=1228939250]
No particular suggestions for specific locations, however having a non-permanent location for a meeting does appeal to me, as it might others who have to drive fairly far (relatively speaking) to go to meetings. Plus it might be useful for whomever is donating the space, if they have some other use for the space at certain conflicting times of the year.

I'd offer my basement up, but no way 50-100 people are going to fit in there... well at least while sitting :D


Can you hear that? it's the worlds smallest violin :p I travel 1-1.5 hours to every meeting one way and I never complain like the SF crew likes to do :) Not singliing you ouit, but in the past the SF drivers have been the most vocal about "drive time" :p
[quote author=Gomer link=topic=5494.msg68316#msg68316 date=1228940035]
Would be challenging if we want to set up a projector based presentation. Also, we are at the mercy of the weather and this time of the year, who knows if we'll get rain. Although in some cases later on, it could be a nice option!


I have never been to a successful outdoor reef event and I have attended over a dozen. Speakers hate it, swaps are a total disaster and raffle items tend to die. Just not conducive to what we do unfortunately.
I'm looking into a room at Chabot College at the end of the San Mateo Bridge for a real good price. Would have to pay $2 for parking though.
I know the spot quite well, I'd drive there :) $2 is fine by me. maybe it'll get more people to carpool and spew less carbon on the way to the meeting :)
[quote author=GreshamH link=topic=5494.msg68429#msg68429 date=1228954867]
[quote author=sfsuphysics link=topic=5494.msg68312#msg68312 date=1228939250]
No particular suggestions for specific locations, however having a non-permanent location for a meeting does appeal to me, as it might others who have to drive fairly far (relatively speaking) to go to meetings. Plus it might be useful for whomever is donating the space, if they have some other use for the space at certain conflicting times of the year.

I'd offer my basement up, but no way 50-100 people are going to fit in there... well at least while sitting :D


Can you hear that? it's the worlds smallest violin :p I travel 1-1.5 hours to every meeting one way and I never complain like the SF crew likes to do :) Not singliing you ouit, but in the past the SF drivers have been the most vocal about "drive time" :p

When I lived in SF and drove to Sunnyvale/Saratoga/Mountain View for various jobs, it took anywhere from 20 minutes to 30 minutes just to LEAVE THE CITY. So SF drivers tend to be a grumbly lot anyway!

As for meeting places, I suggest;

1) Where does SEABAY meet? Maybe we can do the same?
2) Local LIBRARIES often have spaces that they rent out. San Mateo has a nice NEW beautiful Library, I'm not sure of the meeting room rental rates, but check it out
3) Community centers or a school gym might be available for rent.
3) Well, there's always Roundtable!

I better bring some money for the Dec meeting, there are a few things I'm thinking of picking up at an LFS ... ;)

Oops, DUH! The rental rates for SM library are on that page I sent (but I didn't scroll down). It's $150 for the first 4 hours, then $25 per hour after that for NPOs (like us!)

I'm not sure of BAR budget, but there you go.

[quote author=sfsuphysics link=topic=5494.msg68312#msg68312 date=1228939250]
I'd offer my basement up, but no way 50-100 people are going to fit in there... well at least while sitting :D

Am I the only one who thinks Mike's basement would be a bad idea?

(P.S. Here's a hint)


It takes me 20-30 minutes to get over the 17 :) SF drivers are about teh same as LA and NY :lol:

SEABAY meeting spot can only hold smaller general meetings. But then again, that is all we really need to find as we have had large venues offered for our use, mainlu The Aquarium Showroom. Don't forget, he has multiple spots open right now, not just his store :)
[quote author=badbread link=topic=5494.msg68450#msg68450 date=1228956228]
[quote author=sfsuphysics link=topic=5494.msg68312#msg68312 date=1228939250]
I'd offer my basement up, but no way 50-100 people are going to fit in there... well at least while sitting :D

Am I the only one who thinks Mike's basement would be a bad idea?

(P.S. Here's a hint)



Just watched that last night :lol:

Zed is dead :D
Gresham, it takes you a long time to get ANYWHERE in the "bay area proper", so whether its in Hayward, San Francisco or San Jose it's probably a similar drive for you. Such is the price you pay for being secluded on the coast.

But where you saw complaining, I was more thinking of flexibility for everyone, including those who are offer/renting space.