
the RTN I knew was coming finally hit


Supporting Member
Well, in the past 2 months, I have slowly been treating my 180 gallon tank for AEFW and other maladies. But one of the biggest issues was the total lack of flow in the tank. I knew that the low flow was due to a lot of the corals getting large, and I knew that in treating for AEFW and re-doing the aquascape, the biggest worry for me would be the amount of flow to the large colonies.

So...I woke up this morning and found my very large (4 year old+) oregon tort colony starting to RTN. I pulled out the clippers and made about 20 frags - some 4-5" colonies themselves! As of now, I have lost at least 1/2 of the colony, but I am hoping that at least some of the large pieces will make it!

Anyway, Tomorrow was the day when I was going to remove all the colonies and put them into the SPS quarantine tank - redo the rock in the tank, and test the flow...but it seems a bit too late.

Hopefully, I will not lose any other colonies, but we'll see.

Remember, flow is your friend - as the corals grow in, make sure they are still getting a lot of flow to prevent the die-off. I hope that I am not too late and that I can save the last 1/2 of this coral and get my tank looking great again.

Ill post some pictures when I start my tank thread for this tank.
In the past, I've super glued areas with RTN/STN and it stopped it from progressing (if caught early). I just glued the dead tissue including a portion of the healthy tissue. I've only done it a couple of times and it worked for me. Maybe I just got lucky.