got ethical husbandry?



Just pretty good? Damn good IMO (having tried that a few times myself :) )
Not bad. How many shots it take you? Also, did you use some sort of sensor or do it the fun ("character-building") way? I remember doing those working w/ film in B&W. fun times

Thanks everyone -I didn't take too many shots; maybe a 80 or so, total?
The shutter speed I used varied, as I did tinker with some settings throughout the shot.

Tony, what would ethylene glycol do? I'm interested, and willing to try!

Mitch, I'm not sure if I understood your post correctly -but I did do it for fun; it wasn't for school or anything.
Viscosity is higher (and higher index of refraction) while being clear like water. Might lend itself to some interesting shots.
Glycerol also works (and is technically safer if you consider ingestion :p Ethylene glycol is in antifreeze and is the bad stuff which kills pets if they drink it).
Not sure where you would get either lol. Its easy to get in labs....if you have some lab buddy at the Uni etc :p
Hey Anthony, cool shots!

You may get some interesting ideas from this...

Bouncing of a Jet off a Newtonian Liquid Surface
Hey Anthony, I don't know either! Apparently you can do it just by dripping it from your hand and moving it quickly though.

The other cool youtube videos to check out are Non-Newtonian Fluids on vibrating surfaces, e.g. "Oobleck on Speaker".
