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What eggs are these?


Supporting Member
Found these eggs on Halloween:


Then today I found about twice as many in the same corner, and then above near the water surface another cluster. SOOO MANY. Trochus eggs? I've never seen them before...
I think trochus are all broadcast spawners, but Gresham prob knows for sure! Def looks like some sort of snail or nudi egg though.
Not trochus, broadcast spawners...

Rather then asking with out giving us zero details why not ell us what you have that could have done that? What other snails and moving things do you have?
Sea Hare, Mexican Turbos, Black footed trochus, super tongan nassarius, scarlet hermits, one scarlet cleaner shrimp that I've had for at least 2 years, two clownfish, tuxedo sea urchin, two barlett anthias, a few blue / green chromis.
No urchin, fish, hermit, trochus or turbos. Could be sea hare or nass, probably nass.
not the cleaner shrimp either. i hope they survive and clear up the mystery.

btw, where did you get the black footed trochus snails? i've checked out all the sf stores with no luck.
I initially got them from LiveAquaria almost 4 years ago. They have babies regularly. At some point I had at least 200 of them roaming around. Next time they have babies, I'll post them up =)
glee said:
i cant find them anywhere so if you have a ton of babies, it would be great to put them on dbtc.

Definitely! They haven't had babies in awhile though, I feel like all the fish are eating the babies now. They used to have babies all the time when the tank was fishless...