Cali Kid Corals

What the heck are you gonna bring to the swap?

Already have frags of the following to bring:

Monti setosa
Leng Sy cap
Cali tort
Acropora valida
Dragon Eye zoas
Devils Armor palys

Hopefully more to come...
Planning to bring

2x red-eye green rim favia (xmas favia maybe?)
green candy cane
kryptonite candy cane
some zoos

I vaguely recall the thread about plugs vs no plugs. Things like favia and candy cane. Is it okay unmounted? It's healing in my tank unmounted. I personally prefer it unmounted. But not sure about the convention here.
I've been on a kinda hiatus and haven't swapped at the last several events.

If I get my act together, I'll bring:

- True undata
- Aquatic Collection Pokerstar monti (has nice rainbow polyps when growing fast)
- New Alameda Unknown Hitchhiker Softie - aka That Weird Little White Leather with Bright Green Polyps That Steve Grew From a Tiny Scrap - aka Kinky Space Leather
- Blue green cyphastrea
- Rose Nebula zoas
- other random stuff
Orange/Purple Florida Ricordea
St. Thomas mushroom
Green centered/yellow tip clove polyps

Also some red shrooms, and a birdsnest for the freebie table and a bunch of DBTC handouts.

BTW is it ok if some of frags have algae on it? I fragged some stuff awhile back and it's growing algae. I'll brush most of it off though. :)
acan lords (3 flavors), blastos wellsi & merletti, a shit-ton of acros (i'm sorry), various montipora (will be fragged really late, sorry about this too but last time I forgot, and it fused to the place I put it... *sigh* like I need more!)

Also I have a bunch of 32oz deli containers, however a small frag of LPS looks kind of silly in one (hell just about any frags do) willing to trade for smaller ones 16 or 8 oz :D
vivi said:
Planning to bring

2x red-eye green rim favia (xmas favia maybe?)
green candy cane
kryptonite candy cane
some zoos

I vaguely recall the thread about plugs vs no plugs. Things like favia and candy cane. Is it okay unmounted? It's healing in my tank unmounted. I personally prefer it unmounted. But not sure about the convention here.

Christmas favia. Yours is too, Lynn :) Mine greened up quite a a bit in between the eyes. It's coming with me for swap action.
Green Slimer, extra green and wildly encrusted frag originally from Cookie Jar as unknown but clearly an authentic Slimer. (need the room)
Meteor Shower Cyphastrea big hunk and a need to remove all duplicates to make room for growing colonies
Pohnpei Birds Nest
zoas frags, extra nice and originally from Lynn that are now ready for new homes
Dunno if bringing all zoas meets one of the criteria:

•Bring three or more different strains of coral (BAR members are known for bringing dozens of corals, so don't feel like you only need to bring 3, the more the merrier)

I know in the past it would not have.
At least one of our swaps it was not OK to do it with zoas IIRC. Like I said at the start of my post, dunno
GreshamH said:
•Bring three or more different strains of coral

I'm not 100% sure, but wouldn't "strains" mean variations of a coral? There are different strains of brine shrimp. Like a large strain, and a small strain, but that wouldn't mean they aren't brine shrimp. That's how I think of strains.
Euphyllia said:
GreshamH said:
•Bring three or more different strains of coral

I'm not 100% sure, but wouldn't "strains" mean variations of a coral? There are different strains of brine shrimp. Like a large strain, and a small strain, but that wouldn't mean they aren't brine shrimp. That's how I think of strains.

Your thought is what I felt it means as well but I do recall a different take on a similar rule years ago, hence my dunno opening :) I suspect it's fine now given all the "designer" zoas rolling about.
Dunno, can we see a macro shot of them under actinics only? makes sure to zoom in on a single polyp though other wise we'll see too much :D