
What the heck????

Some guy called for a tow truck as his car was having problems.

The tow truck came and was parked outside - it wouldn't fit in the garage.

So the guy pushed his car out of the garage (his girlfriend was steering). As the car goes out the exit gate and down the ramp (he's holding the driver side door) the car goes careening into tow truck.

Funny as hell and pretty hard to make up.
LOL - actually, I was at my desk and overheard the receptionist calling our guards to go over there. I really though I mis-heard the whole thing, until I walked out front and asked.

I was directed to the scene outside.

Crappy camera phone doesn't do it justice, not to mention I don't have a bluetooth usb adapter.

Yeah, I was laughing like hell only because you hear about this kind of stuff in like out the way places like Indiana or Iowa or something like that. ;D

You really wanted to say "the car goes on the tow truck not underneath it" :D
If you think that's stupid, try to figure this out. This happen right infront of my old house.

My wife went to into the garage to get some stuff and heard someone screaming for help. She opened the garage door and found her friend got suck between two cars. She ran to the car and drove forward. Ambulance came and took that girl to the hospital. She had broken hip bone and was in the wheel chair for several months. When my wife told the cop what she saw, they didn't believe her and thought my wife ran over that girl or something. Can you figure how that girl got stuck between two cars? Remember there were nobody else but the two cars and the girl. ;D

It's something like this
[size=15pt] -/- [/size]
- = cars
/ = the girl
what did the girl say happened?

maybe it was a runaway car (parking break went out), though the street in front of your house is pretty flat. who's car was it in front? your wife had the key?

some crazy stories =/
Yeah she did (only to my wife and I'll tell you guys later how) .. Both cars were her cars. Even it's a runaway car, how can you got stuck between the two??

This were my old house not the current one. The street is pretty flat too.

Oh the one on the left is an SUV and the right is an old Honda Prelude.
Hrm...she was parking the Prelude, put it in Neutral but forgot to set the parking out, and the car started to move forward, so she thought she could get in front of it and stop it, but ended up being sandwiched between that and the SUV?

I have no idea, but I want to know too!
she left the prelude in drive, or the SUV in reverse, and pulled the handbrake.

when she got out of the car, she noticed the car rolling, so she
a. got behind the suv / in front of the prelude to keep it form rolling thinking the brakes gave out, when instead the car was still driving forward/backward
b. or was just walking between them and got stuck

the handbrakes on cars, especially things like older cars, won't hold very well, especially if the car is still in drive.

Maybe she was just getting out real quick to grab something from the house, and left the car running.

This is like playing Clue, but without very good clues =)

btw, did anyone notice phong puts a lot of punctuation on his thread titles? Lots of ? ? ? ? =)