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Will peppermint shimp kill corals

Hi all!

I haven't been on here in awhile. I got some peppermint shrimp about 3 weeks ago to take care of some aptasia which worked really well but this past week I have 1 acan completely die and the other one shrunk untill today when i noticed it's skeleton. My numbers are all good. I just checked them. Then only new thing is those shrimp. Do they do this. Also my Zoas are disappearing from the rocks. I think I am gonna pull those shrimp out today but I wanted to check in with you all first.
I've never had a problem with peppermint shrimp eating any of my acans. I have a lot of peppermint shrimp and I used to have a lot of acans. If you target feed your acans the shrimp will rip them apart trying to get the food.
I do feed them directly. It was a pain in the butt but I got all but 1 out. There were 4 total. I am hoping the last one will have a smaller impact. We will see.